Let me list out what a new mother
1. First
thing, stay at home mom job is not 8 hours or 10 hours shift. Is 24/7 job which
is recognition less, salary less.
2. Stay
at home mom’s feel like having a remote control to get the cell phone or a
glass of water or any other thing that far away when the baby is on lap( for
feeding or sleeping). Once baby is on the lap, there's no way getting the
things (if she is alone)
3. They
have to wake up early than you think. ( I wake up at 3.30am)
4. Even
though there is maid, there are so many things that should be done
by self. Believe me, being a mother is not so easy!!
5. Stay
at home, moms don't need yoga. Push-ups, squats, or uttanasana Standing Forward
6. No
matter how many times mom put back the toys in the basket, within a minute they
will be dumped on the floor.
7. Moms
will know that baby's favourite toys will be kitchen utensils. If moms are in
kitchen babies will follow.
8. Moms
will come to know that there are so many dangerous things in the house until baby
plays with them. Even a spoon looks dangerous.
10. Every
plug point which is available at baby's height will be closed.
11. Every restroom must be locked before and after use. ( Do not forget)
12. There
will be a new little audience for mom’s every bathroom visit.
13. Mom's
have to stay alert every second. A baby crying is not an alarming sign, but silence is!!
14. If
baby is being potty trained, mom's sensory organs must be more sensitive.
15. Moms
should be high alert when the baby goes near to electric devices like inverter, plug
point, iron box.
16. Doing
laundry in the washing machine? Get ready. Kids will change the knobs.
17. The main door opened? A search warrant issued for baby.
17. The main door opened? A search warrant issued for baby.
18. The
entire time baby will be coming behind mom, but when Mom starts feeding food, the baby will start running, jumping, whatnot everything except eating. Mom has to
clean all the mess after feeding.
19. While
Mom is eating, babies will definitely pee or poop or worse crying. Mom should
always have a break while eating.
· 20.Moms
should expertise in how not to make a sound while the baby is sleeping. Silent
sneezing, silent cooking, silent talking.
· 21. Moms
should sacrifice chatting and phone calls.
· 22. While
sleeping, baby sleeping positions will be abnormal. Moms will end up in an awkward
sleeping posture.
23. The main sacrifice a Mom does is SLEEP. Mom doesn't want to sleep
like a kid, but she wanted to sleep like her husband.
· 24. Mom
should know at least 100 rhymes to entertain baby. ( Try to
remember all your nursery rhymes, else take help of the internet)
· 25. Some
mothers cannot give breast milk. This can be due to different reasons. When a
mom cannot give her baby her milk, it is like hell to mom.
· 26. Kitchen
work must be completed before the kid wakes up.
· 27. New
mothers face postpartum depression. Being a new mom is lonely.
28. Mother's body will not be in shape after delivery. Couldn't tell you how it
feels. Saggy stomach and breasts, shapeless body, dark circles around eyes,
some may have hormonal changes which can cause pigmentation on the skin and
many other health problems.
This list goes endless. Being a new
mom is hard. But no one can see the sparkle in her dark circled eyes.
Coming to the point, what a new mother
To know that, well you have to be
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