Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Potty training is definitely a remarkable milestone for a toddler and the mother. It is not easy to achieve that remarkable milestone. Here are some tips that help you in potty training your toddler. 
  1. Get the hints from kids
  2. Start the training when the toddler is able to sit or feel uneasy with a diaper or communicate the urge of peeing or pooping(not always verbally). Get the hints and start saying to them. They had to do it in the potty. They can understand.
  3. Know the mood of kid: Not always they have mood for potty training. Asa mother thou can know when the kids will cooperate with training. Pick the right time.
  4. Buy a good potty chair: The foremost thing is to buy a good potty chair with their favourite colours. They must feel comfortable in that chair. 
  5. Read to them: Make the potty training interesting. Read them a story or sing their favourite song. Let them sit for 5 minutes a day. 
  6. Set realistic targets: You need to go with your kid's pace and set reasonable targets. 
  7. Postpone if the kid is not interested: If the kid is not interested, postpone your training. Postpone for few more days and start when they are in good mood again. 
  8. Be prepared for accidents: Not all the time you can succeed. Be prepared for the accidents too. 
  9. Don't push: Pushing them for training may create a permanent aversion for training. 
  10. Don't scold, shame, embarrass, threaten, punish kids. make it a fun activity for them. Explain that the potty should be done in the potty seat only.
  11. Select the dresses so that they(or you) can easily take it off, to avoid accidents
  12. Don't compare with other kids at any point in time. 
  13. Teach them to wash their hands after potty. Rather you wash your hands so that they can imitate your actions. 
  14. They are kids. Don't expect them to train overnight. Patience is the key to train your kids.
  15. Finally, don't forget to praise them when they did it properly. 
Make the potty time a habit and part of their routine. To start with, pick 2-3 times a day and let the kid sit on the potty for a few minutes. If it happens, it is good. But if they don't worry. Remember every child develops at a certain rate and patience is key.

Happy Motherhood!!!
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Friday, June 21, 2019


Toddlers love to copy parents in activities. To introduce yoga to your kids, practice yourself. You may not be a professional yoga teacher, but you can teach basic stretches. Ask them to take a breath through the nose only, so that their lung capacity increases and reduces the flight-or-flight response that occurs from mouth breathing. Toddler age kids are prone to temper tantrums, after all, you may have doubt, that how kids will sit still for practising yoga. As said before they love to copy parents’ activities.
1. Make it fun: The main motto of kids is to have fun.  So make your journey fun by adding different elements in yoga. For example, tell them warrior II pose is like flying an aeroplane.  Boost your creativity and include directions, numbers, animal kingdom in your flow
2. Have a plan: Here is a plan to get started
i) Call them for imitating animals (Kids love animal poses)
ii)Let them play a game.
iii)Go with the flow you can’t expect them to follow a pattern. So go with the flow.
3. Never expect them to follow your plan: Sometimes my daughter wanted to jump like a frog when I ask her to be like a lion. So whatever your plan is, don’t let them lose interest. Let your yoga journey be fun by making it a story like a manner. I start with the story of the forest and include the flight journeys, travelling through mountains, children passing by and finally by sleeping. It is not about a proper story but the poses you include with them. 
4. Let them rest: Kids are yogis by nature they can do many poses with ease. Let them do in their own pace, better not try to correct them especially in the toddler age. Let them rest whenever they want.
5. No specific time: There is no specific time to hold the pose; more or less 10seconds is fine. For babies and toddlers, 5 minutes of practice in a day is fine.
6. Focus: Your focus must be towards the introduction of poses and make it interesting, not to correct their postures. Help them to concentrate and sit calm also getting some physical activity.
7. Don't over impose: Sitting in Sukhasana ( Easy pose) is also enough for the toddlers. Do not impose on them. Yoga must be fun for them.
8. Not after a heavy meal: Make sure that these practices are done before meals or in between the meals.
9. Make it a routine: Find a calm place at home and take out the yoga mat, to do yoga, and make it a routine for them at a certain time. Toddlers will be habituated to that time.
10. These are easy poses to introduce yoga to your kids
i)                    Cobra Pose
ii)                  Cat – and –cow pose
iii)                Downward facing dog
iv)                Easy Pose
v)                  Lion Pose
vi)                Warrior I pose
vii)              Warrior II Pose
viii)            Corpse Pose
ix)                Forward Bend
x)                  Squat Pose
xi)                Hero Pose
xii)              Child Pose

When you do yoga it generally creates interest in your kid. Tell them a story during the asanas, so that they go with the flow. Sometimes they may not concentrate on what you are doing, be prepared for that! Don’t insist to do yoga, it may create a negative impression for them.
Happy International Yoga day!!
Happy Motherhood!!
Happy Yoga!!
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