Are you studying kindergaten again? Don't know why you are sitting next to your littleones during online classes?? Even don't know why they need online classes for kindergarten?? Thinking of sending to school or not after lockdown?? Welcome to club of confusing momma!!!
The corona and lockdown has changed many things in our daily life, including our kids routine and their school life.
New way of teaching through online, new apps for them, are making children to sit infront of digital devices. They may need it, but it costs child's digital time.
If the kids are able to concentrate on what teachers are saying, those kids might be okay with online classes.
However when it comes to kindergarten, only a teacher's physical presence can make them sit there. It is almost impossible in online classes. They are building virtual world around kids. Can't we introduce real world to them, may be this is the right time.
It's crucial age for kids until 6 years, their brain power was built over time, but the inital foundation takes place during early ages.
Enthusiasm created by teachers and company of other kids are only reasons for toddlers to sit in a classroom. Online classes doesnot fulfill this requirement.
My point is why to force them to sit in front of a digital device and learn? We can easily grab their attention by or physical presence and teach them in a more practical ways.
Yes we are not trained teachers, but the mothers are the one who taught them to speak, talk, behave, eat everything till now. Why can't we teach them simple language and small chores?
Another advantage of home schooling is we can encourage them to learn local language/mother tongue and religious writings.
If you can teach them with more patience,
strong bonds can be created with kids.
Moreover we are not sure if we can send them to school even after lockdown. So why don't we use this time for home schooling? I'm not taking about working mothers here. Because after lock down, mothers should go to office, home schooling will be out of question for them.
Let me discuss how home schooling will be.
Initially home schooling can be interesting, but with time it is not as easy as it seems, especially with toddlers.
For that, mothers need a strong motivation and timely motivation for children.
Any project should have a strong plan and schedule. Being non professional teachers we can't always attract them to home school. This is where we need some experts opinion. You can get it from various sources like other teachers or internet.
So set schedule for kids, start with small, progress as you go, teach them learning is fun, lead them by example. Home schooling means constant learning, not only kids but also mothers.
Is it not the right time to home school them??