"Get up!! Its already late"
" Hurry school gate is closing"
"Eat quickly, we are getting late"
"Can you dress up fast, we can talk afterwards"
These are the common dialouges in the morning which you can hear in our house, with my daughter.
Yes. Time is everything, we need to be punctual to school, dance classes, else the time will be wasted. We should prioritize our time, we can talk during travel,we can do things if my kid gets ready quickly.
Prioritising, organising time is the best way to utilise time. For many days I thought like this.
One day I couldn't get up on usual time, so I had to sacrifice my Me-time. This made me think of my daughter.
If I needed some time to do my routine with some me time, then my daughter also need some time to talk with me, when she gets up, and it is as important as waking up. It is part of her routine. Late mornings minimised her talking time, which is triggering her, and making her to continue in bad mood with me.
Like me she wants talk time, me time, all these should be in relaxing mode, not in a hurry.
To change this I made a small change. I started waking up 10 minutes before her usual time. This 10 minutes gained me her talk time which lifted her mood throughout the day and avoided unnecessary chaos.
Even I thought of extra 5 min sleep for her, it is making extra grumpy mood. Even she feels lazy, or want some relaxing time, I start 10-15min of usual start time. This made me realise my motherhood is continuous learning process. Even 1 minute changes will help to change our moods.