Wednesday, April 24, 2019


4.30AM Monday
Alarm beeps!!
I turned off the alarm and cried yippieeee!!! It's Monday!!! I can start my day.
Do you think I'm crazy? Yes, a little bit.
I was waiting for the alarm to ring from 4.20am. 
Most of you experienced Monday blues. 
But I love Mondays. I experience weekend blues. Do you want to know why?

1. The weekend is not for relaxing but for extra work:
Even working or housewives both experiences this. The weekend is a matter of extra household chores, extra organizing the house, special dishes, especially hearing lazy sounds like "It's weekend yaar, let me relax"  from husband.

2. Extra laziness
Weekend days start very lazily. We all know this. It results in late routine, late breakfast, lunch, dinner. Both for preparing and serving. In the evening you may spend time with your family with special snacks or a trip to the park/restaurantDid you observe the time has flown away?
Think of your weekdays. Even though you/your husband came late, you relaxed for a few minutes you may cook food or your husband helps you in the kitchen, kids also may help you!! See the difference!!

3. Over expectations:
You expect your family helps you during weekends in cleaning house, daily chores, cooking. But there is a 90% probability you cannot get that help. When you go out for lunch or dinner, still you have some chores to be done at home. We women add some extra chores during the weekend. And again there will be no help.

4. Change of routine
There is a drastic change in routine. Mostly weekend’s start from mid-morning ends at midnight. The result is guilty of the wasted weekend.

5. Nowhere vacant for your enjoyment
Theatre will be full, parks, restaurant, malls everywhere else will be full. Just because it is the weekend.
The weekend is not only for you but for everyone. So everywhere else is full. You need to get advance reservations and bookings or movies, and restaurants. I forget it sometimes, so no movie on the weekend.

6. The problem is the weekend is only 2 days:
The weekdays are 5 in number. The weekend flies away soon. It is only for two days, no one can accommodate the whole week's work in one single weekend.

7. Not ready to host relative or friend!!   
Friends, relatives visit us on weekends. When there is no visit, I Thank God! "There is no guest this weekend”. Else you get some extra work on weekends. Hosting, keeping an everlasting smile on your lips, special lunch, what not!! You must follow "Atidhi Devo Bhava" Indian custom.

So, I like Mondays, weekdays. No extra household work, no expectations, no friends visit. My family eats whatever I cook. they will even help in household chores. Everything will be done on time. Even we talk at the dinner table. No gadgets will be on the table during dinner. 
But in weekend everyone takes out their cellphones and tuck their heads in that. I resist asking the refilling of the plate on WhatsApp. 
Many of you could relate to these situations. Did you ever get weekend blues?

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Pic Source: Google

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