Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Isn't it mad enough to take a decision to live a day without a cell phone?
One fine day, I decided not to touch my mobile for 24 hours. To be precise sunrise to sunrise.
So thinking of prerequisites initially I informed my decision to my regular callers. Else they might think something has happened to me.
The second one, I need to place the phone in a place where I couldn't find it. I gave this responsibility to my husband. 
Bought an alarm clock for the big day. 
Tried to snooze the sound. But couldn't!!
Got up at 4.10am 
With a mobile phone, I would have woken up at 430am
All my chores are happening silently.
No relaxing calm music.
Want to capture my little ones naughty moments...  No phone! 
Need to book a cab... No phone! (Took an auto)
Wanted to write something...No phone!!! (Note pad and pen)
Wanted to share news... No Phone!! (I was waiting until my husband comes back home)
Bored... No phone! (Encouraged creative box in my mind)
Want to know what's going on with friends Instagram profile..No phone!
Pay the bill..No phone!! (Used a laptop)
Transfer money..No phone! (Cash!!)
Wanted to listen to music/audiobooks... NO way!!
Wanted to search a recipe... No phone! (Pity my husband. He ate my own recipe)
I was surprised by what my phone has replaced. 
An alarm clock, a radio, television, visiting cards,  video games,  camera, notepad,  pen and paper. Almost 70%of my life depends upon cell phone. What a pity!!
Today I realised how badly I missed the "paper and pen feel"
And also I found so much Time which I didn't get when I used the phone.  
I slept peacefully. 
I read books by enjoying the touch and smell of paper.
Calmness and boring time turned to peaceful and productive time.  
Nobody knows my updates. The best thing happened to an introvert like me. 
Finally, I came to know what to do without a cell phone !!

Also realised many life-saving apps are installed in it. I need to use a cell phone consciously.
P.S: The next day I installed an app called "YourHour" from Playstore, which helped me a lot in digital detoxification.

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Pic Credits: Google

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Summer holidays a nightmare for stay at home mothers.  
No schools
No home works
Kids get bored easily. 
As per our Indian climate, we can't send them to play outdoors. Sometimes there will be no certain cause to stop them from going outdoors.  
Mothers don't want them to get addicted to televisions or mobile phones.  So let's have a look at some ideas to engage them at home. 

1.      Painting: Kids will love playing with colors
2.      Board games: Depending upon their age choose the board games. From jigsaw puzzle to business game it can be anything! 
3.      Rock with musical instruments: Try to play small musical instruments like drums or guitar
4.      Read some graphic novels: Don't underestimate their love for reading.  They may like books with colorful images.
5.      Design some game by yourself: Why to play pre-designed games?  Design a game by yourself or role play.  It can be "A girl with  long hair" or " Detective Robins"
6.      Encourage them to swim: Take them to swimming classes or teach them by yourself. It is fun swimming in the hot summer. 
7.      Water games: Try games like water volleyball. 
8.      Clay DIY: Give wings to their creativity. Create different shapes or structures. There is no end to for clay creations.  You can make Clay at home. Here is a video for you
9.      Inviting friends: Invited throws friends to home (I know all the kids can make a mess still you can send your kids to their houses.) You can get some free time. 
10.  DIY crafts Popsicle crafts:  Encourage them to do crafts with Popsicles. The Internet has many ideas, try some of them. Here is a video for you
11.  Puzzles: Divide the kids into groups and ask some questions or give them puzzles to solve. Don't forget to give gifts at last. 
12.  Make a kaleidoscope: Easiest and interesting craft to make.  Here is how you make a kaleidoscope. Here is a video for you
13.  Blow bubbles: Who doesn't like blowing bubbles?  Let them play.  
14.  Fly a kite
15.  Play games like I spy, hide and seek
16.  Paint old drawer: Involve them in some productive activity like painting old drawer. 
17.  Check the internet for more creative ideas: For example, shaving foam can be used to make different crafts. 
18.  Make a family album: Make this summer a productive and memorable. Nowadays there are many pics on our mobile phone than printed ones.  Printed ones can give a memorable feeling than pics in mobile phones. Print some of your pictures and make an album. 
19.  Practice origami skills: Origami is a simple and easy way to craft.  Try this with your kids. Here is a video for you
20.  Practice shadow puppets: Set up a stage in your house and practice shadow puppets. Here is a video for you

Summer is the time you can get attention from them. Utilize it carefully. Let them know how to make lemonade this summer!!
Happy summer!! 
Happy motherhood!!! 

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