Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Generally, men consider kitchen an alien property (Maybe this thinking has changed). Still, some of them can’t discriminate toor dal and channa dal. If your husband is a cook or knows how to cook these are some things you can relate:
1. Full-fledged meals:
You can get full-fledged delicious meal even when you don’t cook. What bliss when you are not in a mood to go to the kitchen. Not just a pickle or plain Rasam. You can expect a 3 or 5-course delicious meal.

      2. Cook God:
He would be willing to eat what you made. He knows accidents can happen! He accepts it. No worries if you burn the tamper, or curry has excess salt. In fact, he can suggest remedies.

3. Behaves Professional:
He can explain in detail how an extra cumin seed can change the taste of the dish. If he cooks, every molecule of the ingredients will show its miracle.

4. Expert on chopping board:
He will be an expert on the chopping board. I learnt onions can be sliced in 10 different ways. If you know the correct technique of cutting, cooking will be easy.

5. Free-Time:
Time consumption can come down drastically when you follow his tips. You get more free time. (Not everyone can enjoy it!!)

6. No worries:
Do you worry about how your family will survive without food when you are in periods? Not to worry your husband can take care of.

7. Treat to sense organs:
When he cooks you can have treat to eyes, nose and mouth. The meal will make you happy in all aspects. The food will look beautiful, taste delicious, smells yummy.

8. Parties:
Friends visiting or family parties? No worries, you can count on your husband.

9. Too much Stuff:
You have too much stuff in your kitchen. Sometimes you can’t spell those items in your refrigerator or kitchen shelves. Still, I don’t know the difference between olives and jalapenos.

10. For others:
People are afraid to cook for your husband. If they know your husband can cook wonderfully, they will be literally scared when they invite you for dinner.

Keeping the disadvantages aside, if your husband(like mine) can cook the best, you are lucky :)

Enjoy Womanhood!!
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Monday, July 29, 2019


I was angry with my mother! Not that I was seriously angry.
I and my mom is best friends from childhood. I didn't hide anything from her. But she hid some issues. I realized those after my child's birth.

1.     Letting go: Whether it's the first day of school or college or after marriage mother's need to let go of their children. Is it a piece of cake? Never!! Mothers will think endlessly when their kids are out of comfort zone. Isn't it? Everyone will say, it must happen in this circle. Yes! I know about the circle, not about emotions!! Even my mother didn't tell me how hard it would be when you have to let go of your kids. I still remember how my daughter saw at me when I dropped in her school on the first day. " Are you leaving without me, mama?" Tears rolled out of my eyes. When I expressed these feelings to my mom, she is matured enough to say life has to go on!
2.     New relations: Generally new moms will be anxious about people around their kids.  Even me. When I introduce my kid to others, I will keep an eye on them. Is she comfortable? Is anything wrong with the surroundings? When she is playing with friends, I will be watching them continuously. What kind of person are they? Is she accepting them?  Millions of questions when kids are with new friends. Why am I doing this?  There are times I hated when my mom called me when I'm with friends. Even I am doing the same now!! Mom is it natural? 
3.     Failures: When your kid is not potty trained or kid spends more screen time, it is definitely a concern of your parenting. But for mothers its is a failure. My mother did not tell me how to cope up with this guilt. It eats from inside. Right from childhood, when you encounter a failure, your friends, the family will be there to support you until you become a mother. During the motherhood,  you cannot reveal your failures and cannot go away from being guilt. 
4.     Suggestions: Is the kid watching TV? Is your kid more on digital devices? Every person with eyes and nose will be pouring their suggestions on mothers. You need to do this, that, what not? You know something, at times it is irritating!!  I accept mothers take more responsibility for their kids. It doesn't mean you have to point the finger to mom for every small mistake of kid.  wait!! Am I becoming an angry mother? 
5.     Injections: No one ever said how Mother's feel while the new baby gets their vaccination. I know they are for good!  Still, did you stop crying while the baby gets their first injection? 
There may be many incidents which shock us, make us cry during parenting. Motherhood is an endless emotional journey.  The only thing my mother said is " You will enjoy the journey. Afterwards, you will love those memories." Let see!!! 
Happy Motherhood!! 
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