Saturday, March 28, 2020


Children and Mothers love for each other cannot be measurable. Mother love leads them to talk them in two types. 
They want us to do certain things for limited period of time. After certain age,  their multiple personality will come out and parents doesnot want us to do the same thing. I am not criticizing them,  but their unconditional love for us, force them to do so. These are some situations,  where mother's duality come out.
1. When you are a kid, your mother hated when you eat your meals slowly.. "You need to have your meals quickly. No one would wait you for hours". This is a common point where moms lose their temper. When you are in teens or after 20's, you will have your meals in a hurry(really quick). Then also you cannot satisfy your mother. "Have your breakfast in peace." Is this not Aparichitudu moments??
2. "Dont roam around all the time. You are may bump into someone or trip over" Did you hear this dialouge many times especially during summer holidays. When you grow up and have some stability in your body(Parents often misunderstand this as laziness) "Can you move your ass dear? You are sitting in that couch from past 5 hours..I said UP!!"
3. "Let me help you in brushing/while taking a bath" mothers say this all the time to kids, when kids are eager to explore how to brush/ how to take a bath. After some years same mother would shout "WEEKENDS DOESN'T MEAN IT IS HOLIDAY FOR TAKING BATH OR BRUSH, GO RIGHT NOW!! " This time your are not interested in brushing our bathing. But your mother will be completely opposite to our feelings.
4. "When are going to help your mother while you are a kid,she used to say "No need dear, go and play/study" she will say it affectionatly. After 20 years " Dont know how to prepare even tea, what will you do after your marriage?? Come help me in the kitchen".
5. Mothers will be upset when you are going 1st time to school, but she herself wanted you to go there. Two completely opposite thoughts filled in their mind.
6. When kids are not interested to eat the meals, mother say "I am not going to feed to at any cost..Eat by yourself". While you are leaving to office in hurry she comes to you and says " I can see you are in hurry, let me feed you some breakfast". Complete opposite talks!!!
7. When you are in school, homework is the worst thing happens every evening. Your mothers may bribe you for doing it. "We can go to circus/cinema this weekend if you complete this homework". The same weekend senario changes while you are going to office. " Lets go to a theatre atleast this weekend, not netflix again." 
8. "You are making mess everytime." Every mother complains this. After when you leave for work or study, she will again say "No one to make mess dear, clothes are in wardrobe, everything is organized.I am missing your mess". See, she misses our mess too. 
9. "You can do whatever you can after you get a job/after marriage". You know the next phase also, "You are not listening to me"
10. Iconic one: Mothers will be like "Don't talk to stranger". Also mothers "Marry this stranger". 

What are the aparichit moments with your mother?? List them in comments section.
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