Friday, August 30, 2019


Babies can give expressions without words. If the expressions have words, it will be like this:

1.  If a stranger wants to kiss the baby, she says
"Stop there! Who are you pulling my cheeks?"

2. This line is definitely for people who think they can make laugh babies
"Mumma! Is this fellow have a constipation problem? He is making irritable faces".

3. Every mother can hear this
"Let's have quality time together. It is just 1AM"

4. If the father comes to help, the babies say,
"Hey man! I don't need a change of diaper. I want food. Call her!"

5. Whenever others wanted to help the mother with baby, they say
"Please stop singing. You are terrible!! Call my mom".

6. They know the right time to poop
"Changing diaper? Is it the right time to poop?"

7. Babies think everything is same
"Oops!! I thought it was a burp"

8. "I don't drink!! I chew!!"
Be it a bottle or nipple!!!

9. "I don't look like anybody! Don't scan me."
For the people who scan for the similarities.

10. Every mother experiences it
 "I don't need your milk, woman!!
      After 5 Minute: I am starving!! Why don't you feed me Mom? "

11. When you attend a family function or a party
"Everyone present? Let me cry"

12. "Inedible? I need a taste"

New mothers welcome to the new mom club!!

Happy Motherhood!!
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