Friday, January 3, 2020


lifestyle changed

Becoming a mother changes everything; this is the statement you may have heard every day by many mothers. I do accept you may have responsibilities and sleepless nights., which can change your routine and lifestyle. These are 20 things my daughter has changed
1. Food:
I am not a foodie from the beginning. But I learnt how the mood of cook can have an effect on recipients. I changed my food interests to healthy, easily digestible and homemade food from junk and spicy food.
2.  Sleep:
Ha!!! My sleep timing completely changed when my daughter was born. Every mother experiences it. I was a night owl before, but now I wake up early to complete kitchen chores before she wakes up.
3.  House:
This didn’t change. Previously I used to make a mess around the house, now my kids do that!!! But the difference is now I wanted to make it less clumsy. Previously I didn’t even think about it.
4.  Organizing mentality:
Once in a while, I used to organize my room. Now I am on a mission to clean in every 1 hour. I became intolerant for seeing a mess around now!! (Being a mother changes everything)
5. Patience:
What to talk about this? Every mother says this and needs patience. After becoming a mother your patience levels increase suddenly, even if you are a very short-tempered person.
6. Bathroom:
You can never expect you will have an audience for your every toilet visit. If you shut your bathroom door for a few minutes, your kids ring an emergency bell.  Their tantrums, needs, urgencies, potties all will be summed up in that few minutes.
7. Parties/functions:
You will go to a party and attend your kid all the time. No question about interacting with others. If you have a slight amount of luck, your kid might get friends there, and your kid likes them. You must attend all the children’s ( your kid's friends) birthday parties and you sing the happy birthday song in sync with the kids. You wear crazy birthday hats and props.  How life changes!!!
8. Clothing:
I became more conscious of dressing after giving birth to my kid. When she was a month’s baby, I used to select a very soft fabric, usually cotton.  Still, I am continuing that. Generally cotton is the best fabric for your mood as a mother. I wonder how it would understand my feelings!! It will be light, non-irritating even in the mid-summer, comfortable. Even if my temper raises to the boiling point, my dresses will not be the reason for it. After having a baby, my vision of clothing has changed.
9. Watching TV/mobile:
One of the best things that happened in my life is getting out of this addiction to both TV and mobile. I was an addict before, but to reduce my kid’s screen time, I stopped using these. Now I can proudly say I reduced my screen time, all because I am a mother.
10. Travel:
 Before kids, I used to travel like anything. Without any pre-bookings, an instant journey has thrilled me. Now I don’t want to go anywhere without my kid’s comfort. She is never ready to sit at one place if we take a day train or a flight, it is a nightmare!!! It is not as easy as you think.
11. Routine
Who doesn’t change their routine after kids? My sleep timings, cooking, cleaning, working all are changed. Before I used to be less organised and systematic, depending on my mood. But now my routine is more disciplined, and more organized during my routine
12. Not first any more
Being the only daughter, I was the first to touch the chocolates or desserts. Time changes!!! Now voluntarily I give her fort priority.
13. More confident:
I felt more confident than ever when I reached the milestones of my kid. Whether it is handling her tantrums in public or training her to behave or getting everything ready before she asks, I felt more confident.
14. More strength:
I never thought I can manage time like this, I can be mentally strong like I am now. I can do these many tasks within no time. Previously I was very emotional. But now even if I see an injury for my little one, I am more strong to not to cry. Where this strength does come from?
15. Pushed my limits:
Before I thought I was very weak to go 3 hours without meals. Now I can go for 12 hours without meals and very active. I used to be very less active when I am sleepy, now I can be super active without sleep for 24 hours.  I pushed my limits after being a mother.
16. Change of habits:
From  late-night movies to talking, I change many habits. I read stories, I stopped using mobile, I was very conscious about speaking words, all because, I should be a role model to my daughter. She learns from my actions more.
17. More respect for parents:
During childhood, I don't know what my mother has sacrificed for me, what my father sacrificed to pay my bills. Now I came to understand, why they were worried all the time for me, what they did for me.
18. Complaints on partner
 “ Why don’t you play with her for some time?”
“ Don’t make a mess while feeding her”
“It's not the way to change a diaper”
“ I am here at home all day, I need some fresh air, are going to take me out or not?”
“Don’t sit like that, help me in the kitchen”
Mothers, aren’t these complains seems familiar??
We start complaining more on our partner even if we love him...It’s obvious.
19. Friend talks changed:
Before we used to talk about crushes, life and had fun. Now, we are discussing pre-schools, snack box recipes for kids, home remedies for cold and cough.
20. Healthier diet :
Even if I was allergenic to some kinds of food, I couldn’t control and used to eat it. Now I am more disciplined about food. If I get sick, no one will be there to attend my kid. So I eat healthily and try to be healthy.
Even if I like or don’t like the changes happen, I loved my lifestyle and my baby too.

Happy motherhood!!
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