Friday, December 11, 2020


"Send me your phone number to add it in our community whatsapp group." My neighbour called out after our society meeting. I smiled and gave thumbsup. After reaching home, I sent my husbands number to her to add in society whatsapp group. I hi-fied mentally to myself for avoiding all the discussions. Then I wanted to write what other things we introverts do!!
  • Avoid college and office functions by making an excuse that I'm terribly ill.
  • Any special occasions and festivals. Deactivate facebook to avoid unnecessary tagging.
  • Sharing is confined to “only me” on face book.
  • Uncheck read recipts on whatsapp.
  • Anybody calls, wait till call ends by itself and make an excuse that phone was in charging or silent.
  • Prefer early mornings or mid nights, which will be peaceful time while everyone is sleeping.
  • Whenever relatives visits, going into kitchen and do anything or else bury my head in a book or cellphone.
  • In Group chats maintain a good name as sleeping member.
  • We like savasana in yoga more than any pose.
  • Any compulsary birthday wishes? Wish them personally on text rather than in Group.
  • Talk to self in every situation.
  • Maintaining journals.. Digital or dairies
  • Inner me is more sarcastic than outer me.
  • Need to take decision? Talk to self or write the possible outcomeson paper, make statistics, do calculations or even trigonometry on paper and make a decision.
  • Introverts prefer writing or reading than talking or posting in social media.
  • Weekend plans? Eat. Read. Sleep. Repeat.
  • Change of plans? Stare at wall or ceiling for hours.

  • Introverts have an opinion on everything, but they don't believe in expressing. It's not about fear or unknown thing. But for the love for themselves.
    Happy introverting!!

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