Sunday, April 11, 2021


Thirty years is almost one third of human life. When you think of important things to learn, here we are:
  1. Peace of mind: By the time you hit 30 you need to know everything happens for a reason and every reason is not your headache. You need to be less stressful than in your college life.
  2. Financial independence: most important thing you need to achieved by the time you reach 30. Most of women don't have financial knowledge. You should know about interest rates, mutual funds, taxes. Don't leave everything on your husband. In India did you notice most of the women in late 50'sand 60's were dependent on their husbands for financial transactions. Even if they want to buy a saree they need to go to their husbands for money. Generation passed,now in this generation we were good at financial independence, but what about financial knowledge? Just paying the taxes and bills doesn't show your finacial skills. Know how you can save money legally. Know how to increase your money.
  3. Partner: In the olden days girls got married at the age of 8 or 9. Gradually the age increased.Now the average age of educated women getting married is 27. Because of women empowerment, girls are looking forward for their career and they are making marriage as 2nd option. But women body is fruitile only for few years. After 30's the fertile system in women's body will not be as good as in teens. The success rates in Late marriages and late pregnancies are very less. If you want to lead a life with family, get married and have children at the age of early 20's. Click here to know more
  4. A hobby: If your schooling was done without any specific hobby,time to get  one. If you left your hobby in school, start it again or wanting to try new one, try new. What ever the mood is,what ever the circumstances are, hobby will bring out the best time in your life.
  5. Detachments: Its best to leave some tasks unattended. You must learn to leave unnecessary mental burden. Let go of things you cannot control and focus on what you can do.
  6. Art of saying NO: There are ways to say no, without hurting others. Try!! 
  7. Minimalism: It is the best thing you can do. If you are working women, you might think, I can buy anything I want. Buy think twice before buying anything for your home or taking a thought into your mind.
  8. Pick your battles: Learn to differentiate who deserves explanation. You don't have to show up to every aurgument.
  9. Health: We women neglect our health with ease. Initally for studies, or for career or for family. There are many women who makes their career/family as priority rather than making it health. Women's body type changes in different stages differently. So health should be your top most pripority. 
  10. Exercise: Excercise can ease your flexibility. It can be yoga/gym/ simple walking can boost your metabolism and strength. Dont forget to sweat atleast 30min a day
  11. Skin care: Who doesn't want to look young? Especially women!!! Skin care doesnt mean monthly facial, manicure. Go for natural methods, drink more water which moisturises your skin. Use oil and gram flour powder every week. Eat nutritious food which balances your system.
  12. Spend time outdoor: We women need more calcium after 30's and for that, vitamin D is crucial. Vit D plays important medicine for depression and more swings. So get plenty of sunlight, spend time in sun. Click here to know importance of Vit D for new mothers
  13. Introspection: It's good to check once in a while what's going on in your life and mind. Just give a pause and introspect whether you are on right path or not.
  14. Save: Earning alone will not help you to achieve financial freedom. You need to learn where to save and where to spend. 
  15. Feminity: The ability to take care, forgive others is given to women by birth. For sure we can do what a man can do, but we can do more than men. Without mother, a woman a home or a family will be incomplete. That is the power of women, feminity. Never lose it.

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